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[Advertorial] ThreedB - FREE online RT60 calculator

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Sinds: 29-5-2008
Berichten: 9

BerichtGeplaatst: Zo Feb 05, 2012 6:32 pm    Onderwerp: [Advertorial] ThreedB - FREE online RT60 calculator Reageer met quote

Onderstaand (engelstalig) persbericht is overgenomen op het forum om een aantal speciale redenen:
  • Het is een goed (en gratis) initiatief om een gangbare wijze (gangbare wijzen) van het berekenen van één van de meest belangrijke akoestische parameters in een ruimte openbaar en online beschikbaar te maken;
  • Het online kunnen berekenen maakt voor geïnteresseerde 'leken' duidelijk hoe de meeste aanbieders van akoestische maatregelen een ruimte beoordelen en eventueel extra benodigde geluidsabsorptie adviseren;
  • Het programma maakt duidelijk dat materiaal-eigenschappen (specifiek de absorptiewaarde per octaafband) van het grootste belang zijn om überhaupt een ruimte (vereenvoudigd) te kunnen modelleren en dat materialen waarvan de leverancier deze gegevens niet kan overleggen zouden moeten worden gewantrouwd;
  • Zoals de ontwikkelaar aangeeft: absorptie-rapporten van fabrikanten en leveranciers van geluidsabsorberende materialen zullen worden opgenomen in de database, waardoor men ermee kan rekenen.
Ik nodig de bezoekers van Geluidforum van harte uit, ook namens Rob Miller, eens te experimenteren met de online T60 (RT60) calculator van ThreedB. Reacties en opmerkingen worden door Rob zeer gewaardeerd! ( is pleased to announce the latest and most significant update to its web-based Reverberation Time (RT60) calculator, a “Suggested Finishes” list that auto-updates based on room absorption requirements.

With each room surface entered by a user, the calculator looks at the absorption required to meet the room’s RT60 goal and matches it with finishes that provide absorption at those frequencies, while impacting frequencies that already meet the RT60 goal the least. The database of room finishes has about 400 finish/mounting configurations, mostly sourced from textbooks or laboratory test data from manufacturers with distribution in the USA.

The RT60 calculator was originally released in late October 2011 and simultaneously models the Sabine, Eyring, Fitzroy, and Arau-Pruchades equations between the 125 and 4000 Hz octave bands. Audience areas are entered separately and show graphically the RT range between occupied and unoccupied conditions. Logged in users may save and export (CSV) calculations. Metric or imperial units may be used. A recent update permits the user to see the formula and calculation for each RT model octave band frequency by clicking on the RT result.

Reverberation time is the persistence of sound in a space after a sound has ceased. It has historically been used to determine the liveliness requirements of a space for speech or music. Rooms with longer reverberation times, up to 2 seconds are better for music while reverberation times under one second are better for speech. Spaces that must accommodate both speech and music must strike a balance between these two, seemingly opposite requirements requiring careful attention to room surfaces, among other parameters.

Manufacturers worldwide are encouraged to submit laboratory test data according to ASTM C423 or ISO 354 for inclusion in the database. A link to the complete test report hosted on the manufacturer’s domain is strongly recommended. is best experienced in a modern standards-compliant browser. Recent versions of Google Chrome (preferred), Apple Safari, Opera, and Mozilla Firefox are supported. Internet Explorer is not supported. JavaScript must be enabled (default setting). is the personal project of Rob MILLER, an acoustical consultant in Seattle, USA with experience in architectural acoustics, mechanical noise control and audiovisual system design. He received his Masters degree from the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. is his small way of giving back to the acoustical and internet communities, both from which he has received much more.

Contact: Rob MILLER,, +1.206.552.9089, @robmiller (Twitter)

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